Welcome to our vendor-submitted questions page, where additional insight is provided regarding our 2024 Subject Matter Experts, Technical Assistance Providers and Instructors RFP. Below, you’ll find a comprehensive list of questions submitted by potential vendors interested in partnering with us on the projects. Explore these inquiries to gain information into additional details that might help you in your own proposal.

Proposals submittal deadline is 5:00 pm CST on August 26, 2024

  1. Does a vendor have to provide subject matter expertise in every subject listed in the RFP?
    • No, the vendor/consultant can pick and choose which topics align with their expertise.
  2. Does the recommended amount of hours in the scope refer to a monthly or weekly cadence?
    • The recommended amount of hours is the total number of hours recommended for the given topic. Each program varies. In general, instructional/workforce courses are 4-hour long days. Business capacity courses are generally 2-hours long each day. Coaching and Technical Assistance sessions are usually 1 hour.
  3. Is Construction Inspection Training Program part of this RFP?
    • No. Construction Inspection Training Program is a cohort-based training. This RFP is for instructors, subject matter experts and/or coaches that can support courses, workshops, and/or technical assistance.
  4. Is there a public place to register as a plan holder?
    • Clarification: Is there a public platform where one can see who has downloaded or expressed interest in an RFP?
      • HACIA does not have a public platform where the public can see who has expressed interest in the RFP. HACIA will not share that information.
  5. Are there any specific insurance requirements?
    • HACIA does not have specific insurance requirements at this time.
  6. Is there an overall budget for the Technical Assistance SOW?
    • HACIA does not have an overall budget. The amount per scope of work is listed in the RFP Fee Structure. Fee Structure: HACIA’s hourly rate is up to $250 for instruction and up to $150 for prep (when applicable and justifiable). Be sure to indicate the volume of service hours that should be devoted to completing the scope of work per training and/or coaching in SOW. Proposals with in-kind training, coaching or technical assistance are preferred; please also include value if in-kind service.
  7. For the scope of work, the RFP indicates that the proposer does not have to submit a proposal for all the services in the SOW. Can the proposer submit a proposal for certain subcategories under the Technical Assistance/Coaching?
    • Yes, the proposer can submit a proposal for all the categories that they are equipped for.
